What I am currently listening to

Heeeeeey you! Long time no chat, I have been head down bum up with client work up to my eyeballs, feeling all the excitement with the launch of my new book Thank you for feeding Freckle, and chipping away at my YouTube channel.

Things have been busier than normal and I am looking forward to a break next weekend spent with family and friends at the snow. Hopefully we have some great weather and get some picturesque runs down the mountain in.

I wanted to share with you a list of the music I am currently listening to which is helping me get in a creative zone and tackle each now project as it rolls in. Like my music taste, this list is eclectic. I am always on the hunt for new tunes so if you have something you think I would enjoy, please do let me know in the comments.

It’s Friday afternoon and I am about to clock off for the week. I hope you enjoy this list, if you’re on Spotify, find the playlist here. Feel free to follow me (username Cheyney McDonnell) if you find this music is a bit of you…

Here is the list:
More Than A Woman (feat. Calvin) - Duet w/ Calvin - Angie Stone, C-Alvin
All Star - LAUREL
Top to Toe - HONNE
Sinner - Honeyfeet
Karakoy - Brazilian Girls
Some Seek Stardom - Fugees
City Music - Kevin Morby
Bit Hip - Ezechiel Pailhes
Roll The Bones - Audiotree Live Version - Shakey Graves
Billy - DRAMA
Tomorrow - The Roots, Raheem DeVaughn
Every High - Kyson
Slow Down - Maverick Sabre, Jorja Smith
No Cover - Catnapp
2009 - Mac Miller
What About Your Friends - Extended Dub Mix - TLC
Why? (The Kind of Love is Dead) - Live (Remastered) - Nina Simone

Enjoy. Until next time, Cheyney xxx

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