Create Some Magic - Free Printable Paint by Numbers Activity (Ruby's Unicorn)

Create some magic - This is my mantra for today.

For as long as I have the energy I will use my visual communication skills to create uplifting quotes and creative activities for those little ones (and big ones) at home for the next month. To see the quotes, find me on Instagram.

These activities are me creating some magic for you. Especially for you parents at home with littlies. Don’t get me wrong, these activities do not have an age limit on them, they are for everyone. Simply print on your home computer on A4 paper.

Today’s free printable is a colour by numbers for little Ruby - I asked my good friend Erin what would be good for her daughter during this time. She said, ‘a paint by numbers of a unicorn’ - So here it is!

There is the option to download the sheet for colour suggestions. For a further creative step, forget the colour suggestions sheet and assign a colour of choice to each number before starting. For an even further step, if you have older kids, why not ask them to create their own colour by numbers to share?

Have fun and if you’re happy to, please share your final masterpieces with me. I have had some roll in and they seriously bring me SO. MUCH. JOY.

If you missed the previous activities, here they are:
Day 1 - There is Power in Kindness - Free Colouring In Download (lioness)
Day 2 - Focus on What’s Good - Free Printable I Spy Colouring Activity

Print as many as you like and please share with your friends and family who you know will also love these printables.

Keep creative and kia kaha!

Cheyney xx